Bandar Utama 1 or BU1 is one of the earlier phases to be completed between 1991 and 1996 in Bandar Utama.
There are approximately 652 houses in BU1.
McDonald’s Bandar Utama Drive-Thru (DT), Centrepoint Bandar Utama, SMK BU2, and SMK BU are just outside of BU1. There are 2 community parks in BU1.
Residents and visitors can enter into BU1 through Jalan BU 1/11 and Jalan BU 1/1.
Jalan BU 1/11 splits BU1 into 2 sections:
Jalan BU 1/11, 1/13, 1/14, 1/15 on one side, and
Jalan BU 1/10, 1/1, 1/1a, 1/9, 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2

Houses along Jalan BU 1/1:
Front of houses face either East, West, or NorthEast directions
The internal main road in and out of BU1
Directly connects to Persiaran Bandar Utama and to Jalan BU 1/11 which directly leads out to Lebuh Bandar Utama and Jalan Mawar to Kayu Ara
Houses along Jalan BU 1/1a:
Front of the houses face either East, West or North directions
Some of the houses, the back faces Jalan Masjid - main road in Kayu Ara
Houses along Jalan BU 1/2:
Front of the houses faces either North, South or East directions
Back of the houses faces either Lebuh Bandar Utama or Persiaran Bandar Utama main roads
For houses facing North, they face another row of houses and they’re back-to-back with another row of houses behind (refer to the map)
Houses along Jalan BU 1/3:
Front of the houses faces either North or South directions
Houses along Jalan BU 1/4:
Front of the houses faces South direction and a park in BU1
A few houses face corner houses
Houses along Jalan BU 1/5:
Front of the houses faces West direction and the park in BU1
A few houses face corner houses
Houses along Jalan BU 1/6:
Front of the houses faces North-NorthEast direction
Houses directly face the BU1 community park
Houses along Jalan BU 1/7:
Front of the houses faces either North-NorthEast or South-SouthWest directions
Houses along Jalan BU 1/8:
Front of the houses faces either North-NorthEast or South-SouthWest directions
Houses along Jalan BU 1/9:
Front of the houses faces South-SouthWest direction, SMK BU2, and the school field
Houses along Jalan BU 1/10:
Front of the houses faces West and the SMK BU2 school field
Conveniently behind Centrepoint
Houses along Jalan BU 1/11:
Front of the houses faces North direction
A few houses faces the SMK BU2 school field
Houses along Jalan BU 1/13:
Front of the houses faces South direction and another park with basketball court and playground in BU1
Conveniently behind Centrepoint
Houses along Jalan BU 1/14:
Front of the houses faces either North or West directions
Some houses face the park with basketball court and playground in BU1
Conveniently behind Centrepoint
Houses along Jalan BU 1/15:
Front of the houses faces either West direction and the park with basketball court and playground in BU1
Conveniently behind Centrepoint
